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Hi, there!

I'm Jena.

As an entrepreneur, online business strategist, yoga/mindfulness teacher, homeschooling mom, digital creator, and writer, I am passionate about helping others live more in the now and lead a life they love on their terms. With a graduate degree in public health and over a decade in behavioral science, health education and strategic leadership, I integrate data-driven and soul-infused tools to help others harmonize their life and deepen and appreciate the beauty around and within them. I am also the co-founder of Harmony in the Wild, an outdoor adventures and nature photography collective designed to inspire others to explore, protect and find harmony and love for everything wild. My family (husband and business partner, Greg, and two children) and I call Southern California home. When not at our homebase, we enjoy adventuring and exploring North America in our campervan.

I'm here to help you design and live the life you desire and deserve!





It's Time to Elevate

You are absolutely capable of creating a life you love, on your terms. 


Learn energy and time management strategies, so that you can be more present, make time work for you, and gain more peace.

Designed to help you learn the art and science of productivity, personal development, and online business strategy, and to embody the belief that you truly can accomplish anything you desire


You are worthy and deserving of the life you want.

Let's Connect!

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